
As a service for our clients and others visiting our site, we have put together a variety of valuable links and other information for you to use on this Resources page. If there is other information that would be valuable to you, reach out to us and let us know. We will add new resources as we become aware of them.


Andrew Au-Young

Andrew Au-Young is a partner at Dickson, Stojak, Huang Chartered Accountants. He has over 30 years in public practice, serving in his current role at the firm since 2010. Andrew’s areas of specialization include assisting owner-managed businesses, integrating tax plans for the individual and corporation and financial planning. In addition to his CPA, CGA designation, […]

W. Lyle Dickson

Lyle Dickson is a founding partner at Dickson, Stojak, Huang Chartered Accountants. He became a Chartered Accountant in 1971 and shortly thereafter joined a small firm in Richmond as a partner. In 1975, Lyle formed his own firm, which has evolved into the Dickson, Stojak, Huang Chartered Accountants that exists today. His areas of specialty […]

Cleo Huang

Cleo Huang is a partner at Dickson, Stojak, Huang, Chartered Accountants. Joining the firm in 2003, Cleo specializes in developing resourceful and strategic solutions for both family and privately owned business owners. Her passion is to help business owners achieve financial freedom by building sustainable value in their business endeavors while providing time to enjoy […]